Sulphur Ointment: Homeopathic Remedy for Scabies and Unhealthy Skin

HSN: 30049014

  • Effective Treatment for Scabies : Sulphur ointment helps to alleviate symptoms of scabies by targeting the mites and relieving itching and irritation.
  • Soothes Unhealthy, Irritated Skin : Known for its healing properties, it addresses various skin issues like redness, roughness, and inflammation.
  • Promotes Skin Healing : Encourages skin regeneration and reduces the appearance of lesions or rashes.
  • Antimicrobial Properties : Helps prevent further infection by fighting off bacteria and fungi commonly associated with skin disorders.


for Scabies and Unhealthy skin a natural homoeopathy remedies.

  • COMPOSITION : Sulphur Q, Cream base.
  • DOSAGE : As directed by the physician.

Diseases Curable
  • For Scabies and Unhealthy skin.
  • Sulphur Ointment: Homeopathic Remedy for Scabies and Unhealthy Skin

  • Ointment and lotions


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