

Robinia pseudoacacia L. Sp. Pl: 722 (1753).[HPI:V].

Robinia acacia L., Syst. Nat. ed. 10. 2: 1161 (1759).

Perennial herbs with deep furrowed, brown bark. Stem pubescent.Leaves stipulate; stipule modified into woody thorns;leaves slightly pubescent while young. Flowers white, with fragrant; inflorescence racemes;calyx pubescent. Fruits pod linear oblong, reddish brown.

Flowering: May- June.

Fruiting: October- December.

Altitude: Upto 2000 m.

World Distribution: Europe, India, United states 

Indian Distribution: Throughout India (Introduced)

Parts used: Bark of root and stem.


Medicine used :- 

  • It is used for the treatment of hyperacidity and its associated ailments
  • It helps in treating burns
  • It is also helpful in treating psychological disorders such as depression caused due to several stomach issues